Reading skills for academic study: Dealing with difficult words and sentences

Exercise 2

Dealing with difficult words.

In Time for a Tiger, a novel set in Malaysia, Anthony Burgess uses some Malay words. Can you work out their meanings.

He watched with pleasure the food-sellers swirling the frying mee around in their kualis over primitive charcoal fires.... Ibrahim, watching the swirling mee in the kuali, had suddenly remembered his wife.... Fatima had tracked him down and tried to hit him with a kuali in the mess kitchen.

And again:

They were sitting in a kedai in the single street of Gila, acting, it seemed, a sort of play for the entire population of the town and the nearest kampong.

In Clockwork Orange, by the same author, he again uses non-English words. What can you decide about their meanings?

So now, this smiling winter morning, I drink this very strong chai with moloko and spoon after spoon after spoon of sugar, me having a sladky tooth.

And this one?

Then we slooshied the sirens and knew the millicents were coming with pooshkas pushing out of the police auto-windows at the ready. That little weepy devotchka had told them, there being a box for calling the rozzes not too far behind the Muni Power Plant.

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