Doing the research : Selecting Sources

Exercise: Using an encyclopaedia

Look at the following extract from the index of David Crystal's The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language (Cambridge University Press, 1997) and answer the following questions.

Where in the The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language would you probably find the best information on the following topics:




South America


Types of advertising


Different speech in different regions


Prefixes and Suffixes


Indigenous Australian languages


History of the alphabet




Differences between allomorphs and allophones


Word games

VIII Index of Topics

The alphabetical arrangement of the index is letter by letter. Primary references are given in bold type.

abbreviations 44, 76, 87, 111, 182, 187, 204-5, 214, 364, 380

abessive 92

ablative 92, 297

ablaut 297

aborigines (Australian) 324-5

abstract meaning 6, 15, 272, 275

abstractness 82, 85, 163-4

Academie française 4

academies 4, 364, 406

Accademia dell a Crusca 4, 111

accent (speech variety)

dialect vs 24

foreign 35, 362-373

judgments of 23, 39

regional 23, 24, 39, 5l, 126, 145, 149, 161, 180, 204, 215, 313, 392

accent (emphasis) see accentuation accent (marks) 186, 194, 365, 404

accentuation 74, 164, 169, 172, 354

acceptability 3, 5, 48, 332, 384-5, 410-11

accessory nerve 131

accidence 90

accommodation 50-1

accuracy 384-5

accusative 92-3, 297, 354

achievement tests 377

Acoustical Society of America 20

acoustic cues 146, 150

acoustic nerve 131

acoustic reflex 143

acoustics 132-7, 268

acquisition 368, 373

see also child language, language learning

acronym 90, 115, 204

acrostics 64

actio 70

active voice see voice (grammar)

activity 48, 52

Adam's apple 128

addition rules 163

additions 213, 263, 277

Addresses to the German Nation 7

address, modes of 44, 99

adessive 92

adjacency pairs 118

adjective 21, 71, 85, 91-3, 242, 244, 297, 354, 388, 391

tense of 92

adjective phrase 95

adverbials 95

adverbs 91-3, 242, 354

advertising 8, 63, 67, 172, 184, 195, 204, 390-1

television 391

types of 390

aerometry 139

aesthetic translation 345

affective meaning 103

affirmations (religious) 385

affixation 41, 90-1, 263, 281, 293

affricates 33, 157, 277

Afghanistan 301, 307, 357

Africa 33-4, 53, 60, 63, 91, 126-7, 158, 165, 172, 285, 308, 314-15, 318, 326, 338-9, 360

age 19, 23, 40, 44, 99, 268, 332, 382

agglutinating/agglutinative languages 90, 293

agnosia 271

ago 72

agraphia 272

agreement (grammatical) 95

air-conduction test 266

air-stream mechanism 124-7, 152, 155, 159, 236

Akharnama 228

Albania 300, 357

alexia 272

Algeria 316, 357

algorithms 350

allative 92

All-India Alphabet 365

alliteration 53, 70, 74, 386

allographs 194

allomorphs 90

allophones 160-1, 194

alphabet 8, 182, 194-5, 202-5, 251, 300-1, .311, 329, 371

augmented Roman 217

cipher 58

comic 62

consonantal 202

dual 186

history of 202-3, 326

invention of 364-5

mystical 59

symbolism of 403

transliteration of 348

alphabetical order 59, 105, 108, 110

alphabetism 90

alternative communication 280-1

alveolar consonants see consonants

alveolar ridge 130, 141, 155-7

Amazonian languages 284, 322-3

ambiguity 3, 57, 63, 89, 98, 179-80, 350-1, 353, 381, 400, 410

amelioration 330

America 60, 320-3

Central 185, 320-3

North 293, 320, 322, 327

South 4, 98, 284-5, 320-1, 322-3, 326

American Academy 4

American Dictionary of the English Language, An 109

Americanisms 5

American Journal of Education 3

American Library Association 47

American Name Society 115

American Translators' Association 345

Amerindian peoples 61, 197

see also Appendix vi

amplification 142-3, 268

amplitude 134, 136

anagrams 64-5

analogy 234, 330, 333, 404

analysis by synthesis 148

analytic languages 293

anapaest 74

anaphora 119

anarthria 271

Andaman Is. 317-18

anechoic chamber 138

Anemerina tribe 9

Angola 315, 357

Anguilla 359

animals 8, 128, 396-9

animateness 92-3

Ann Arbor trial 35

Annatom I. 92

anomaly 404

anthropological linguistics 412

anthropology 6, 10, 15, 107, 116, 178, 285, 290, 401, 407, 412

anthroponomastics 112

anthropophonics 18

anthroposophy 403

anticipation (consonant) 263

Antigua and Barbuda 117, 357, 359

Antilles Is. 322

Antiqua 186

antonymy 105, 111, 353

anvil 143

anxiety theory (of stuttering) 278

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